Insane Clown Posse, a bunch of dumbass clowns that write songs about miracles, fucking fat chicks, and hunting chickens. The Insane Clown Posse also comes with an insane fanbase. Their fans call themselves "Juggalos", not to be confused with jiggalos, which are male prostitutes. Juggalos live and breath ICP, which normally, being the tolerating person that I am, I don't really care what kind of music you listen to, but "Juggalos" are always up in your face about ICP, rapping their retarded songs in your face. Oh yeah, and if you make fun of their ICP shit, they get hella pissed. Its pretty funny.
*ICP releases new song, just as shitty as any of their other songs*

Juggalo: Hey dude! Did you hear ICP's new song? *starts singing it*

Normal person: No, sorry, I don't listen to that shit.

Juggalo: Oh what about this one? *starts singing another song*

Normal person: No, ICP is shit. (says calmly)


(Normal person punches Juggalo, Juggalo begins to cry and runs away)
by awesome man17 October 12, 2011
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Insane Clown Posse
Rock/Rap music group that have strived for greatness with the help of them selves, Joseph Utsler and Joseph Bruce, also know as Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope. A growing fan base for over ten years, called juggalos, has brought over a million people all over the world closer. To be a juggalo, you are committing to a family. Something greater than a family. I can't spell the greatest, jump the highest, or run the fastest, but I don't waste my time looking up bands that I don't like, so I can diss them behind the safety of a computer. I listen to all music, but I would still Kick some ass if i found the people being Jack asses talking about what they don't know about ICP. I'm down wit tha clown, 'til i'm ded in tha ground. and there's nothing that any body can do about it. I can give a rats ass what you listen to, it can even be something that I like. Just don't hate me for being a juggalo, don't hate me for being different. With my face paint on it is a chance to be someone else other than myself in my normal world. If you can't do anything like that, then your shallow minded and just stupid. Besides there are more juggalos then you think, and you will see this sometime or another, and it will scare you if you aren't ready.
Faygo was sprayed on everybody at the ICP concert.
by Homer Juggalo April 26, 2006
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I.C.P. is rap music with a twist to it, they dont rap about everything they hate or dislike, like most rapers do. Expl: Marshal Mathers he is all ways bitch bout his girl kim where ICP bitches to how socity is going to be down with the clown one day. ICP Consist of psytchopathic records and the like, their music is hear renching and very touching(to me) Their rap is for the kids who have cast aside and put down all they life! And iff you are a fan Your a Juugalo or Juggalette.
Juggalo: Yo this fool aint down with the clown
Juggalette: Lets beat their ass!
Guy who aint down: OH SHIT......(pisses self.......MOMMY....THE ICP LOSERS ARE COMEING THIS WAY!
Guy who aint down: ~faints~
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A fantastic duo シ︎
Jeez why are shitting on them 🤡
people who don't like icp probably have small itty bitty peens like micro pps
juggalo: Whoop whoop

some dude w/ a small pp: Booo you're music sucks ass
icp is the best :))))))))
by Applesaucegivesmeboners November 5, 2020
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ICP stands for Insane Clown Posse.ICP originated from Detriot,Michigan as Inner City Posse as a basement group. The two members are Violent J(Joseph Bruce) and Shaggy2Dope(Joseph Utsler). Both members have been long time friends since childhood. They both were raised in low standard of living but still became one of the greatest bands in the country.They are a part of Psychopathic Records. ICP follows the Dark Carnival a series of Six Joker Cards(Carnival of Carnage,Ringmaster,The Riddlebox,The Great Milenko,The Amazing Jeckel Brothers,The Wraith)which reflect
the parts of a persons soul. ICP also has been accused of being a cilt but on the release of "The Wraith" they announced they were followers of God. ICP has a Large group of fans called Juggalos(Males)and Juggalettes(Females). Most Juggalos/lettes are EXTREMELY protective of their lifestyle. Juggalos traditionally wear facepaint to show who they are.
Many mainstream artists dislike or hate ICP(Eminem, Dre).
All artists under Psycpathic records do not care what all haters think. They are agaist Racism and "Labeling". Most juggalos also dont care haters words. Many people find stupid reasons to hate on juggalos(The Fanbase,The typing but that honestly has nothing to do with anything,What they are about,Cursing).
ICP is the best group out there.
The joker cards reflect your soul.
The Carnival of Carnage is your Life holding all your sins and good deeds
The RingMaster is the leader who makes the choices.(Your Mind)
The Riddlebox is the box of influence between Shangri-la or hells pit(Your influence)
The Great Milenko is the necromancer.(Your Desire)
The Amazing Jeckel Brothers(Jake and Jack Jeckel Jake being your love and kindness and Jack being your Hatred and anger.)Juggle your Sins in life to show where your disposition is in you life.(Your Sins)
The Wraith is your guide to Shangri-La or Hell's Pit.(Your end)
by JJ the Clown February 15, 2008
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ICP stands for Insane Clown Posse.ICP originated from Detriot,Michigan as Inner City Posse as a basement group. The two members are Violent J(Joseph Bruce) and Shaggy2Dope(Joseph Utsler). Both members have been long time friends since childhood. They both were raised in low standard of living but still became one of the greatest bands in the country.They are a part of Psychopathic Records. ICP follows the Dark Carnival a series of Six Joker Cards(Carnival of Carnage,Ringmaster,The Riddlebox,The Great Milenko,The Amazing Jeckel Brothers,The Wraith)which reflect
the parts of a persons soul. ICP also has been accused of being a cilt but on the release of "The Wraith" they announced they were followers of God. ICP has a Large group of fans called Juggalos(Males)and Juggalettes(Females). Most Juggalos/lettes are EXTREMELY protective of their lifestyle. Juggalos traditionally wear facepaint to show who they are.
Many mainstream artists dislike or hate ICP(Eminem, Dre).
All artists under Psycpathic records do not care what all haters think. They are agaist Racism and "Labeling". Most juggalos also dont care haters words. Many people find stupid reasons to hate on juggalos(The Fanbase,The typing but that honestly has nothing to do with anything,What they are about,Cursing).
ICP is the best group out there.
The joker cards reflect your soul.
The Carnival of Carnage is your Life holding all your sins and good deeds
The RingMaster is the leader who makes the choices.(Your Mind)
The Riddlebox is the box of influence between Shangri-la or hells pit(Your influence)
The Great Milenko is the necromancer.(Your Desire)
The Amazing Jeckel Brothers(Jake and Jack Jeckel Jake being your love and kindness and Jack being your Hatred and anger.)Juggle your Sins in life to show where your disposition is in you life.(Your Sins)
The Wraith is your guide to Shangri-La or Hell's Pit.(Your end)

by JJ the motha fucking clown December 24, 2007
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ICP=Insane Clown Posse. Horrorcore.Ok I am a Juggalo, I have read some deffinitions and some people say not original? Name a group like them. Most people that don't like them is because that are scared. Scared of the lyrics. Listen to the music and interpret. The people that don't like ICP don't know ICP. They hate Juggalo's because some give a bad rap. I am a Juggalo and don't smoke weed or drink very often. I get good grades in school and have alot of non-juggalo friends so FUCK YOU. Why must you judge? And just because I like ICP doesn't make me a wigger my favorite band is METALLICA!!! So fuck you judgmental ass fucks
Juggalo "Do you know me?"
Guy "Fag"
Juggalo "dude come on"
Guy "I'm gonna kick your ass!"
Juggalo "Why"
Guy "You like ICP"
Juggalo "Ok I'll kick your ass because you are wearing white"

Juggalo kicked his ass
by The Godfather Lucifer Clown April 24, 2007
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