A sexual activity. Either;

1) Intercourse in an area which is so dirty, participants become coated in the surrounded filth and so are 'breadcrumbed'.

2) A manouevre similar in idea to the "Superman" in that a male masturbates and ejaculates onto his partners back whilst his partner is sleeping, and then affixes 'breadcrumbs' to the sticky patch he has created.
Homemade Scotch Egg? That sounds like some kind of euphemism....
by DJhero January 25, 2011
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When a woman wakes up sluggish after a long night of wine drinking and funky sex with her husband and is in need of a delicious, comforting meal. The need is compounded on on foggy, cold days. The wife takes all the ingredients in her refrigerator, mixes them together in a big bowl, gets naked in the kitchen and slathers the mixture all over her body, while eating it. If she is suffering from an *extreme* hangover, she inserts the Homemade Yumm Bowl concoction into her anus.
Damn! What a rough night! My head is pounding and I'm exhausted! Gotta get my Homemade Yumm Bowl on!
by wanderlust222 January 16, 2013
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To eat the blood clot of a woman on their period.after one breaks in your mouth you intern deep throat kiss her injecting the clot into her mouth.
eat chew kiss spit homemade cherry pie
by five star redwing general July 14, 2009
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When a man puts a paper bag on his business, cuts a hole in it, and tells a woman to go down on him.


When a guy intentionally drills an "extra hole" for the TP dispenser.
Dave: Man, I wanted to get that chick to suck it, but she wasn't having it.

Bobby: I don't have that problem man.

Dave: Yeah, she was effing retarded though, so I just made a homemade glory hole and told her it was "Bobbing for Apples" in a bag.

Bobby: Nice!
by An Entrepeneur April 9, 2011
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An Ice Cream Shop on the New Jersey shore that has been around since Prohibition. With its homemade ice cream, no factories involved, it surpasses any other ice cream company around.
Yo lets go to springers
by Ricardo Diaz April 25, 2005
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when you stick a slice of an apple in a girls vagina then leave it in overnight. When you wake up, suck her pussy and homemade apple sauce comes out.
dude, Hailey made me "Homemade apple sauce" last night, it was AWESOME!
by awesomedude123 February 17, 2011
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