a slut that sleeps with the band just because she thinks they are hott...not b/c of their music.
by rargh October 19, 2003
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a female or male (mainly a female) that stays around the opposite sex all the time. She gives him an annoying nickname (i.e juju short for julian) and wants his attention at all times.
Say for instance its a really cute boy walking down the hallway and his name is Julian. A groupie will be loud and ghetto and scream "Hey Juju" across the hall just to get some attention from him.
by Taylor Lloyd-Thomas September 15, 2007
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Act of the Bombass group chat having sex over the phone. Oral, vaginal, and anal.
by hha March 7, 2018
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Similar to a selfie, but usually with at least three people (i.e. a group selfie).
"Did you guys take a groupie of yourselves at the party last night?"
by justanormalhuman July 11, 2016
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"Groupie" means a person ( young girl that's kinky) that follows and tries to get with every guy.
"Groupie can we all fuck you"? ;yes
by Hutrider420 September 13, 2018
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A girl that rolls around with several members of the Installation crew from her work
DEBO Slept at joes house monday, johns house on tuesday, and is going to marks tonight. She is one big Installation Groupie
by 7734 August 23, 2006
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Taking a selfie with a bunch of people.
A group of people who take a selfie together.

Redefining the term that used to mean sluts that sleep with the band.
Person one: Hey girls wanna take a selfie
Person two: well if there's a group of us doesn't that make it a groupie?
Person three: OMG YES GROUPIE

All three of them: HASHTAG! GROUPIE!
by nianonymous April 29, 2014
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