A flubber-cock can be:

1. A fat mans penis, which is surrounded by hanging stomach fat.

2. A softee still used for sex

3. A penis that has cum all over it

4. Robin Williams' gnarled fuck stick
I slapped a bitches face with my flubber-cock
by thatkidwiththeheadphones July 24, 2009
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It is a part of the brain or the gorilla that they think about female gorillas in the natural habitat.
Gorilla 1:what ya thinking about bro?
Gorilla 2: sorry my flubber nuts were thinking about your girlfriend!
by Gorillalover5000 August 25, 2019
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A girl who is so nasty and trashy that her vagina bounces around more than flubber.
did you see Moooochelle hitting on those guys last night? Shes such a flubber cunt!
by bitchesbegone April 21, 2009
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While getting head, you take a shit on a girl stomach or tits and then proceed to give her a noogey.
Even though she didn't cut her hair, i still gave her a flubber nuggey.
by spiky turtle duck March 12, 2010
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Some girls have a nice straight slit, with nothing hanging out if it. And some have a flubber cunt.
She had a beautifull face and nice slim body but at night i got a bloody downer when i discovered her flubber cunt! Eeeew!
by rumble crumbs April 10, 2016
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A seal flubber kiss is like an eskimo kiss but when both people have a cold and runny noses
While eskimo kissing, the mucus from the runny noses of the two people mixes. Hmmm delicious and romantic seal flubber kisses
by nopouties September 16, 2010
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when you have that one fat friend and you always pinch their stomach
man... avery is the best person to flubber-tug, he's big fattie
by the best lunch table here December 19, 2019
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