The shit you have after a day of drinking cheap cider or other cheap alcohol, that has a recognisable smell or might smell like the alcohol you previously drank.
Ah man I had the cider shits proper bad the other day because i drank white storm and lambrini
by north east knowledge September 24, 2017
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The guy who shows up to the party or gathering with a couple of ciders, but goes after the boys beers.
"look here comes the cider spider"
by ttyycc February 20, 2018
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That creepy guy who lives next to you in your low income neighborhood. Usually found watching your kids from his window without a shirt. We don’t about the rest of his clothes because he is behind a window. Gains the confidence when you’re gone to offer your small children beverages such as cider
Person 1: dude who’s that watching my kids from his window?
Person 2: don’t worry dude that’s cider nipples, he’s always there!!!!
by Nipplepeople November 14, 2020
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the thing you get when you leave unpasteurized Apple juice in the trunk of your car for several days in hot weather
I am so upset. That trunk cider I made last week left a huge mess in my car. The upholstery is ruined.
by Monkey484&4’didiekr October 11, 2018
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When you put more than one Dick in apple cider.
Recipe: 1 cup of apple cider 3 Dicks
Guy 1:This cider is great what brand is it.
Guy 2:Dicks-in-Cider.
Guy 1: Dixon Cider?
Guy 2:No I put dicks in that apple cider.

Dicks in cider
Definition Delicious if your gay
by dicks + juice = dicks in cider November 29, 2017
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When you/someone inserts a form of liquid (Usually beer or cider) into their anus and the farts the substance back out to form a hose like action from their anus
Ahh it was so funny. Jonathon put cider up his shitter then did a cider fart in Ferdinand-Edgar-Thomas-Rynn Pring's face!
by Jarrod Parkhurst May 1, 2008
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