Slang for the Bengalis of India...teens of almost every other state refer to them as "Bongs"...
A: Do you see that geeky guy over there? Let's befriend him; might help us for homework...

B: Ah! Forget it! He's a BONG! You know how they are!
by Scrabulous King August 28, 2008
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Boshkalay Bong Bong
Boshkalay Bong Bong is a word made by a YouTube channel called @D'aydrian Harding (go sub to him). Boshkalay Bong Bong does not really have a meaning. Boshkalay Bong Bong is a word u can use when you're having fun with a friend or even if your by yourself. Have fun using the word and go Subscribe to D'Adrian Harding on YouTube.
by ur bestiee for life February 25, 2023
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A phrase used by popular YouTuber and legend D'adrian Harding to describe absolutely nothing its just used like micky ficky but just boshklay bong bong you know?
"*Hits tennis ball* BOSHKLAY BONG BONG!!!!!!!!!! LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by IceVSin January 31, 2023
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To act like or make noises simular to a grandfather clock when it stricks the top of the hour.
"He is bonging like a clock" said Ariel.
by MANofCARS February 23, 2009
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A politician who uses cocaine
"I heard Bong Bong uses cocaine might as well call him Bong Bong Narcos"
by krunkle unkle January 13, 2022
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a device used to smoke pot..
Looks like mom wants to hit the doorbell...BONG....quote from the show Quintuplets
by ILOVELAPTOP December 23, 2004
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