Alyssa is hilarious, nice and gorgeous gal. She has a smoking hot body with a sense of fashion. She is adventurous and perfect. Be her friend and you'll be cool forever. She is also extremely popular and gets all the smoking hot guys.
Hot Boy1: Woahh that girl is smoking hot
Hot Boy 2: that's Alyssa
by bellyssa April 15, 2015
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The most amazing girl ever. She's absolutely gorgeous in every way. She may have problems, but she toughs her way through it. A girl that redifines everything you ever thought about females. In conclusion a word meaning an absolutey amazing gorgeous person.
"Dude man, I feel bad for her"
Dont, she's an Alyssa she'll find a way throuhg it all.

"Man, I think I'm in love with this pretty Alyssa girl"
by You'llneverreallyknow October 22, 2008
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Alyssa is someone who will get easily dedicated. She'll get hurt for the littlest things, but she'll always care for you. She'll say she's over someone, but she really isn't. Alyssa can be a bitch sometimes. She has obsessive crushes, and she likes to dream. Sleep is her bestfriend, and she takes her grades seriously. She regrets so much.. She loves compliments. So make sure to compliment her a lot. She loves kisses on foreheads and snuggling. If you have someone like this, keep her. Oh and, she gets offended easily. It'll take her forever to get over someone. At one point, it's annoying.. But then again.. She really cares.
Wow, Alyssa still likes Brian.
by liveclassy November 29, 2012
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All alyssas have gigantic cocks.
Alyssa 1: I heard Alyssa has I ginoumous cock
Alyssa 2: yea it's pretty massive ig but mines bigger
by MongloidFucker May 22, 2017
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A girl that is an angel and means everything to me! This is the girl I love to death!
by B_ryannnn August 4, 2008
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The most hottest lovable person you will ever meet
guy1: Hey look at alyssa she is so hot!

guy2: I know right!
by Jeremy Cz. February 25, 2010
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An Alyssa is the type of girl that will cheer you up no matter what has happened. They are the one's that are always happy and crazy. If you meet an Alyssa and barely know her she WILL hold a conversation that will last at least 10 minutes.
Alyssa: Hey dont i know you?
Boy: We met on a bridge.
Alyssa: O yeah! how have you been?
--10 minutes later
Boy: Wow i really got to know you!
Alyssa: Yeah its been a great conversation!
by Ki-l February 26, 2007
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