Fin is a person who is a mega chad man who likes raping women and men alike
by BigPenisLover20 April 24, 2022
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this person is amazing, they seriously are just undeniably beautiful and very swaggy. The light of anyone’s life. They also dress pretty cool.
person: have you met fin
you: yeah, they are swaggy
by Imcoolioandyouarent June 23, 2021
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Fin is usually the caring type. He’s funny, sweat and knows how to make you laugh when your feeling down. He’s the highlight of your life. He will always be there for you.
by Søphia August 3, 2019
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Someone who is so white they are transparent (See-through)
damn that guy over there looks like a fin, oh nevermind its just a glass window
by OptimusPrime69 November 15, 2021
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Pittsburgh, PA slang for $5. Probably used in a lot of cities though, but through my travels I have only heard it here. Even some suits and ties in Pittsburgh know what a "fin" is, but they get red-faced because it usually reminds them of their not-so-perfect pasts until they wore those suits haha.
Used at flea markets, bars, and on the streets. At a flea market, if an item is priced at say $8 or $10, you say "no way I'll only give ya' a fin for it; only a fin!" At some local bars, "hey how much is a Long Island Iced Tea?" And the bartender replies, "a fin".
by Not A Somali Pirate November 15, 2008
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an adjective in hipster language describing something that is not cool or deck
That hairstyle is fin.
by hipsterhelp February 7, 2011
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Guy falls off a ledge

Friend "way to fin"

Guy "fuck, I finned"
by sutef July 31, 2011
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