Preppy hipsters or cool people think it comes from Drake,
But if we take a few years back, we'll realise that in actual fact it was sung by a legend of a guy and owned by a great band.
Mitch lucker sang this in 'you only once so just go fucking nuts'
So thats where it comes from, dont say it unless you where its from !
Preppy idiot: Hey my mum said i cant go to eddie'sparty but YOLO!
person who knows stuff: Do you know who Mitch Lucker is?
preppy idiot: No
person who knows stuff: Suicide silence ?
preppy idiot: No why?
person who knows stuff: thats where yolo is from the idiot !
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You Obviously Love Old! Fabulous version of the traditional "you only live once" cliche. Mostly used to criticize or express ones disappointment with another, but definitely not limited to.
Roommate 1: Was that Alicia leaving your room this morning? Thought ya'll were done off?
Roommate 2: Yeah, you know I haven't met any new bitches since we split.
Roommate 1: Yolo.
by HamuelLJackson September 22, 2012
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Putting all your earnings in an extremely high-risk stock, so that you can either make a huge profit or lose it all.
Jimmy: Yo Chad, I'm YOLOing my entire earnings from McDonald's on TSLA stocks.

Chad: ahahah, you're such a degenerate
by u/daddyelon September 9, 2020
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An overused acronym for "You only live once." There is an exception for those who believe in reincarnation or are cats.
—I got up.
—I inhaled.
—I exhaled.
—I took a shit.
—I flushed the toilet.
—I stretched.
by FYRE150 May 27, 2012
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The absolute worst internet THING created, second to (i shudder to type): SWAG.

Meaning You Only Live Once, it practically makes you believe you can do ANYTHING and you have the right to do everything, no matter how stupid. The people that say this practically enter derp moments.
Tim: #Yolo I just downed 5 kegs of beer #Yolo
Frank: Yolo. You. Only. Live. Once. Don't f***ing waste it. By the way, you are a real derp.

Note: These are random names.
by Somebody1010 June 13, 2013
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