It is what Lil Nas X commented under Tony Hawk’s post of him painting his skateboard with his own blood.
He said that he was going to pour the milk in the bow before the cereal

Nah he’s tweakin. Everyone knows that cereal comes before the milk.
by CoreyHasGlory August 26, 2021
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Nah he tweakin
Nah he tweakin
by Budnick43 August 26, 2021
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plzzzz fuck me in da azzzz 🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈
i saw this post on instagram and typednah he tweakin” in the comments because im a fucking loser
by bigbruh_1010 August 26, 2021
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“Nah he tweakin” means that whoever “he” is, isn’t making sense. It’s a fast spreading meme that people have commented on multiple Instagram posts.
I think that guy was cool
“Nah he tweakin”
by G4bby09 August 26, 2021
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nah he tweakin
nah he tweakin
by nah he tweakin August 25, 2021
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1) “Nah he/she tweakin” A phrase that constitutes the way the guy/girl is acting; Acting in a way that isn’t normal; Often a substitute for “bugged out”; Search up tweaking for a better definition cause im not that good at defining things
2) A stupid trend that sparked so fast that it made me wish it was still yesterday. the fact that you searched it up for this reason means that youre part of this plague that has spread faster than Lana Rhoades’s legs.

this shit is worse than “i forgor 💀”
ill never understand why this stupid phrase got popular in less than a day. GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HEAD
1) Person 1: “Uh…dude your friend has been acting strange lately…you think she’s doing ok?”Person 2: “Nah she just tweakin. She’ll be alright tomorrow don’t worry about it.”
2) Person 1: *literally says anything*
A fucking degenerate “Comedian”(Person 2):
nAh He tWeAkiN!”
by YT_BlueFro August 26, 2021
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"nah he tweakin" is a slang term for i get fucked in the ass by dicks

"Nah" is a from of denial in slang
"Tweakin" a short for tweaking even though it's one letter short

Means the motion of weakness the legs of the commenter is from being dicked down
"nah he tweakin" the person refers to loving dicks in his ass
by Amrovalanche August 26, 2021
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