Usually is a Sagittarius, best zodiac sign. The most iconic and beautiful person in the universe. Has said many iconic things, urban dictionary does not lie 😍
I wish I was a Saba
by IconicBaddie January 30, 2022
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The guy with enormous size of dick that's obsessed with that one girl
- Oh look "Saba"
- ye that guy with big cock
by WYBM November 22, 2021
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She is the cutest girl ever
She smells like sakura
She is the shayan's one and only wife
She is also Rezvan's bestie
by ReZzz1 November 24, 2021
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A smart funny guy who is capable of grasping on to things incredibly well and a person with a great personality that allows them to make many friends
Person 1: oh wassup Saba
Person 2: oh you know him to he smart and funny
by Bababoibish November 22, 2021
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She doesn't have many friends and is very insecure, she is a total bookworm and is usually caught reading romance books due to her insane warped perception of love. Saba is in love with her male friend, but he probably doesn't know and she's too scared to tell him, it doesn't matter because he probably likes her friend. she's the other woman.
girl: Saba is sitting by herself again, what a loser
boy: come on dude, she's been through enough
by otherwoman October 20, 2022
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Saba is a name for the coolest guy you’ve ever met. he’s the sweetest person on ur phone and ur life. also he can make every girl fall for him. he’s so hot and sexy when he wants it. so if saba is in your life appreciate that .
-omg! this guy is so sexy and cute. i bet his name is Saba.
by antonibula November 21, 2021
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He is who has a great attitude and smiles about everything. You should be very happy to know him. Optimism is his forte.
One of the actual best and safest people you will ever meet. First of all, he is your therapist who will help you through those hard times, and then in a split second, you will be laughing your head off with him. He is one of those people who is kinda quiet and has a resting bitch face. He has so many emotions and he can be quite a bitch but he is one of those friends you’ll want to keep as everything is genuine with him. He loves having conversations to clear things up.
One of the people you will meet and regret not getting to know better - saba.
by Fallen666 November 22, 2021
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