Also see Justin Bieber.

13 year old (Hurrah for jailbait) from California who's gaining fame for the viral hit pop song, "Friday" (pronounced "Fry Dey" in the song), which reached 13 million views on YouTube within 6 days. (Place your bets for when you think she'll rehab NOW)

The song itself is mostly famous for being so bad and is heavily autotuned. However, autotune magic proved hardly effective in this case, as she still sounds positively atrocious and robotic.

With questionable lyrics that consists of the following verses:

Yesterday was Thursday
Today is Friday (Partyin')
We so excited
Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes afterwards

the sheer stupidity of this song had many dumbfounded youtubers crying "Parody!". Alas, it is not but a legit song that you can download on iTunes for 99 cents.

Her growing fame raises a familiar question: what the hell happened to the music industry? We've dealt with Ke$ha. We handled Bieber. But Black? Think about it! From Beatles to Black! This is where we are today in popular music.
I nearly lost my faith with Bieber, but I still believed that there would be the second coming of John Lennon.

But now that Rebecca Black has hit the mainstream, I've completely lost my faith in the popular music industry. Excuse whilst I cry my emo tears whilst listening to my favourite indie band.
by HickorySmokes March 18, 2011
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The girl who wrote the "friday" song featured on tosh.0

Being Rebecca black means you have no idea what makes a good song, and your voice sounds like barbie.
Boy: Can you sing for me?
Girl: *lets out a repulsive plastic sounding screech*
Boy: God! Don't be a Rebecca Black
by IloveBananas26 March 17, 2011
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An annoying, autotuned thirteen-year-old which hit teh interwebs in mid-February 2011. Her "hit" single, "Friday", spread over websites such as 4chan and Tumblr mid March 2011, making it a new meme.
"Friday" features such hit lyrics as:
"7am, waking up in the morning
Gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs
Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal
Seein’ everything, the time is goin’
Tickin’ on and on, everybody’s rushin
Gotta get down to the bus stop
Gotta catch my bus, I see my friends".
This "internet sensation" was also featured on Tosh.0 Wednesday, March 16, 2011.
1- Have you heard that new Rebecca Black song?
2- Yeah, it was annoying as hell.
by Derpina March 18, 2011
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America's secret weapon to retaliate against Justin Bieber.
Infamous for singing the horrifying "Friday" song.
Guy A:Have you heard of Rebecca Black?
Guy B(loading Shotgun):I was just on my way to meet her.
by RK-Ownage March 23, 2011
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Rebecca Black is the worlds worst popstar. Her singing consists of squeling high notes, very similar to the sound a cat makes if you torture it for a few hours with a blowtorch and is held together by an autotune, which in her case however, was obviously broken.
boy: ("Friday" playing) jesus what the fuck is this? Is it justin bieber?

girl: no, its Rebecca Black

Boy: im getting cancer in my ears
by jesusiamursavior March 28, 2011
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Rebecca Black's hit single "Friday" became viral. This lyrical failure of the song sucks, and is sung by some stupid faggy 13 year old girl. the song makes no sense as she just teaches us the days of the week. fun fun fun fun fun, we we we so exited. lyrical genius!?!? ._.
NOOO! not Rebecca Black's song!! "Gotta get down to the bus stop, Gotta catch my bus, I see my friends " *froths from anus*
by Reborn Grace March 18, 2011
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A thirteen year old girl whose largest sources of stress are cyber-bullying and not being able to decide if she should sit in the front or the back seat of a car driven by other thirteen year olds. Her favorite day of the week is Friday, she loves random black guys appearing at her parties, and she enjoys having her friend by her right, not her left.
Bitch, stop singing Rebecca Black!
by Random rapper March 25, 2011
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