"So, let me get this straight. You're telling me, that if you hadn't been able to jack off for two weeks, the first thing you would do immediately when you got home wouldn't be to go straight to the computer and start violently ripping your dick off? I don't believe you."
by NotBillClinton April 11, 2015
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1. term used by the backwoodsmen of Maine, suggesting a peson not think too highly of themselves or be boastfull, and should generally "get over it".

2. an action performed after one removes his penis from a dirty, dirty hole.

3. an action performed after one dribbles urine on his shaft after urinating
1. kenny: i got to go backstage at the last Jeff Tweedy show!
andrew: yeah, yeah, wipe your dick off about it.

2. kenny: something very nasty was waiting for me on the other side of that glory hole.
andrew: wipe your dick off.

3. "looks like your piss got a little carried away -- did you forget to wipe your dick off?"
by sannak June 17, 2006
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A "fuck you!" sort of exclamation.
Usually uttered at someone regardless of their gender, in extreme frustration or anger.
Typically accompanied by a double flip of the bird.
Dorian: So yeah, I think we should break up. I met this SUPER hot girl at Sebastion's party last night. We totally made out.

Helen: WHAT? You bastard! Rip yer dick off!!
July: They signed me up to take weights this year and I'm really not athletic. Is there any way I can transfer out of it?

Mrs. Svenksbottom: No. All the other classes are filled up.

July: Noooo! Rip yer dick off!!!!!
by Patricia Brare January 21, 2009
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to break someone's heart but not be romantically afflicted with said person
"He broke my heart but you cut my dick off!"
by 10keys October 28, 2020
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it usally arrises in a situation, when a person belives they are so good at something e.g. football, games etc and they are basiclly up theirselves but only during the event.
(living room of a friends house after a night out)
steve: oh thats great play from that lad
troy: get off your own dick
nat/luke/chris/neil: hahahahaha
steve: now thats a good one
by Luke Harris August 18, 2006
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April 25th when its legal to cut any mans dick off that was bad to you
Victim:Do you know what day is it?
(Male)r@pist:No what?
Victim:Its national cut a mans dick off
Victim:*cuts his dick off*
by kambadassihm March 21, 2021
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