A video game company that can make the best games in the industry to justify purchasing their mediocre consoles, which are always in stock for some reason unlike the latest Playstation or Xbox, which are always sold out.
At least a quarter of my family and a majority of my friends, have or know somebody that owns a Nintendo Wii.
by bsmit774 September 12, 2022
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A shit game company that no one likes
Whats that shit your playing?

Oh its just my Nintendo
by Sexy irish cunt October 14, 2019
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A once respectable software company, now makes childrens games for children. Still stuck to the simple idea of only playing games on a system, when Sony and Microsoft both have DVD and Internet capablities along with great gaming.
by lynch mob April 28, 2003
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1.A Gay-ass game company who only has one game a teen would like,"Gears of War"
2.A Gay-ass game company who made a device that was desined to hert people and brake glass and TVs,otherwise known as the "Wii"
1.Wow,Nintendo is gay...
2.God damn it!My stupid Wii broke my TV!
by Darka October 31, 2007
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A game company that used to be amazing, but now suck because of their cause to make games for casual gamers. They basically screwed over the hardcore gamers.
Nintendo used to be great. Now they suck. :(
by Batdude247 June 2, 2009
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Simply slang for marijuana or "weed", originating from the fairly new Nintendo Wii Console and its remarkable similar pronunciation to "Weed" if stretched out.
Hence the phrases "Buy Some Nintendo", "Smoke Some 'Tendo", "Play Some Wii".
Substitute "Best Buy", "Circuit City", or some other electronics store for your dealer, and "games" for grams and you're in.
"Hey man, wanna go to Best Buy and get a Wii?"
"How much Nintendo you wanna play?"
"I don't know, 2 or 3 games should be enough."
by TFE October 22, 2007
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A 100+ year-old video game company who has quickly became a meme because of its child-friendly videogames, such as Mario, Kirby and Pokémon. This is a shame, because Nintendo have made more mature games, such as Metroid and Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. What makes it even more of a shame is because it has lots of first-class games that have held up over the years, like Super Mario World, Super Smash Bros Melee, Ocarina of Time and Kirby Super Star. THANK YOU VERY MUCH SEGA! I REALLY ENJOY SEEING MY FAVOURITE VIDEOGAME COMPANY BECOME A LAUGHING STOCK! Nintendo is still one of, if not THE best gaming developers ever. Despite their more casual outlook, many hardcore gamers still give them a shot and enjoy their games every single time.
Guy 1: I'm gonna play on my Xbox.
Me: Why not try Nintendo for once?
Guy 1 plays Nintendo anyway and is mesmerised by how good it actually is. He buys an N64, GameCube, Wii, DS, Gameboy and Switch immediately. His Xbox has yet to be played on again.
by GalactaK August 1, 2018
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