1) The thing that hides under your bead when you are from ages 4-8, or later if you're weird...
2) A big-ass thing that's in a shitload of really bad horror movies, used to scare people.
Daddy daddy! There's a monster under my bed!!!
Godzilla is a monster
by Seamus McCabe February 9, 2004
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Wow, Phoebe and Madeline always monsterate so bad around this time of the month.
by The Lone Will February 9, 2011
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A young female in her teen years (13-19) that portrays an image of innocence but behind closed doors performs nasty sex acts that you would not expect from such a nice young girl. (E.g., Anal sex, Deep throat, Ass to mouth, tea bagging, rim jobs, orgies, DP, etc.)
A monster is similar to a freak. The difference is in the age and how you expect her to act biased on her outside appearance.
-"What's up Joe, how was that date last night with that hot young librarian girl? I bet she was lame."
~"Bro you are not gonna believe it, I thought that she was a geek too but I brought her to dinner and then we went back to my place for a drink and before you know it she was letting me get hot in her ass! Man that girl is a monster!!"
by NightCapper March 1, 2006
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1. Big hairy thing that hides under your bed between the ages of 1 and 1O.
2. A popular energy drink made by mountain dew that pretty much gives you a headache the day after you drink it.
3. The nickname of SCLA Crip Kody Scott, who is now in San Quentin.
4. An unusually large penis.
5. An unusually large piece of shit.
6. A movie about a prostitute who kills men.
7. A slang term for the AIDS/HIV virus.
8. Anything huge; massive amounts of.
9. Awesome, cool, "beast."
1. "Daddy, I'm scared there's a monster under my bed."
2. "Man. That Monster was soo good. I'm about ready to go shoot some b-ball."
3. Kody Scott was once called a "monster" by the media, and the name stuck.
4. "Damn!! Have you seen Brody's MONSTER?!"
5. "Ah that was a monster."
6. "Have you seen the movie 'Monster?' It was horrible."
7. "Duude. Did you hear that Shafreeka has the monster?"
8. "That was a monster pool."
9. "The Saturday game was MONSTER, man." or "I'm monster at football, dude."


by blondette x love March 16, 2007
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HIV/ AIDS contracted by having unprotected sexual encounters or exposure to the bodily fluids of a person already infected.
Charlie Sheen caught the Monster banging prostitutes without a jimmy in Las Vegas. He was wild'n out!
by Pillow Lips September 5, 2019
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