A gorgeous guy with an STUNNING face and a beautiful heart... sometimes can be a bit hard to please... but im still madly in love with him and would do anything to put a smile on his face...
Wow what an AMAZING person, totally... adorable and sweet... and funny too - he's definitely gotta be a Mitchell :)
by Mitchellsadmirer June 10, 2010
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A sexy orgasmic man who loves female reproductive system. Has lots of sexy time a.k.a. man whore and probably the best in the world in bed especially the beatle position. The mostfit and accecible person will ever meet and is always there to help you
by mitchell is fiter November 15, 2010
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The sweetest kid you could know, he has the biggest heart, but has become the person he is today through tough times. He as beautiful dark skin brown hair an amazing brown eyes. He also loves to hang with his best friends, an regular sleeps at their house, mitchell will start a fight an only stand up for what he believes in.
The guy over their is really down to earth
Well he must be a Mitchell.
by Futsalfreak May 9, 2011
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uses: noun, verb

an extremely large penis,even larger than a shawn almost to the point of excessive. can also be used as a verb to describe the act of penetration with a large penis.

did you see that mitchell.. it was huge...

my girl friend had that mitchell in her mouth in the other day
by john head April 4, 2006
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Has tight abs or is sporty
mitchell (mitch) has tight abs and i love feeling them
by yatoothdbadakkad December 15, 2007
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A person who dates crazy sex-craving lunatics, and is also a little crazy themselves. They also tend to hang up on people when they are trying to order some pizza. They also do not enjoyed being followed
1)That guy is acting like a real mitchell, last week him and his girlfriend had sex behind a couch his friend was sleeping on!

2)Man that guy is crazier than a Mitchell
by Swoleski15 July 25, 2011
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