Mommy Dom/little boy. Related to MD/lg, DD/lg, and DD/lb. Ageplay, usually sexual, between a female dom and a male sub, where the dom plays the motherly figure and the sub plays a little boy.
MommyDom: My son was being... naughty today. ;) I had to give him a little spanking! Maybe a small MD/lb reward for not crying?
Me: hwat the fuck
by Frahbulous June 23, 2016
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Greensboro, MD is a tiny little town surrounded by fields and nothing.

You must drive over 20 miles to the nearest Walmart. And you will do so because there is nothing else to do.

(Unless you count teenage pregnancy and smoking weed).

There are now TWO stop lights!

The largest club around is the Future Farmers of America.

(And even that is 10 miles out of town).

Everyone knows all of your business.
(And if they don't, they will make something up).
"I'm from Greensboro, MD".
by Greensboro Native May 26, 2011
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One of FOX most popular TV series at the present. The show stars Hugh Laurie as Dr Gregory House; a genius diagnostician who doesn't give a shit about other people. House is blunt, abrupt, irreverent, rude but most of all; kick arse.
House MD is very worth watching.

Dr. Lisa Cuddy: I need you to wear your lab coat.
Dr. Gregory House: I need two days of outrageous sex with someone obscenely younger than you. Like half your age.
by starky March 27, 2008
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Often touted as a "GMD" this highly sought after degree has risen to be superior in all aspects to the much less prestigious title of MD. One must complete a mind numbing number of hours Google clicking (usually comprised of a combination of squandered office time and neglected family time) in the righteous and noble pursuit of self diagnoses.
Patient "LOOK DOC, I stayed up all night Googling my symptoms and I know what I know! I am definitely pregnant!"
Doctor "In spite of your Google MD I must point out the obvious you that you are a MAN and all you have is GAS!
by AJB Certified Google M.D. February 24, 2017
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A derogatory term used for Karens who believe in pseudoscientific bullstuffs, apply essential oils to their babies because they don't believe in vaccination, and act like they have Doctor of Medicine in all medical specialties because they read one blog article that opposes modern medicine. Ramble in digression to sound smart with scientific terms being used but nothing makes no sense when they said something, sometimes they are just straight-up stupid.
Doctor: *smacks table* Vaccination works, look what the essential oils have done to your baby! It does nothing!

Karen: Oh, he got the diseases because of 5G waves. 'Diseases' don't exist because it is biologically categorized mindlessly by you doctors. He is healthy if diseases don't exist. So, you doctors should stop categorizing diseases if people want to be healthy. If there are no diseases being categorized, then every people on Earth will not have diseases.

Doctor: Oh, I'm sorry Dr. Karen or Karen MD in the letter. I am sure you have a Doctor of Medicine in all fields. I only have MBBS only. I respect your knowledge of medicine. Who are thy so wise in the way of science!
by maxweber27 November 19, 2020
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a awesome show which includes a (mad but sane) doctor who always knows exaclty what to do, even though hes a little mean bout it.. a girl doctor who has feelings (bah) and intercepts quite a lot.. a Australian doctor with a strong accent.. (yep that all).. and a black doctor who is.... uuuh.. smart..(?).. well what ever.. good show..
"goddammit that show is addictive.. ive been watchin for weeks!!"
"its awesome though!!"
"lets watch house md now!!!"
(cant think of any quotes... (cuz my memo sux... (but they damn funny)))
by WINGAM! May 7, 2006
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A successor to the dangerous DC-10. It wasn't nearly as scary but just as inefficient! Longer, heavier, and arguably uglier. Couldn't land as short as the DC-10 and was too thirsty for fuel to compete with the 777 or the A330. It had a big following in the aviation enthusiast world but struggled to find a home in any modern commercial airline. They didn't crash as much mostly because they didn't fly as much. Any airline that still has one is working desperately to get rid of it.
"Oh, look! A DC-10!"

No, Larry, that's an MD-11."

"A what?"
by TheCarFanatic March 9, 2014
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