Females that are sexually and emotionally attracted to females and only females.

Lesbian (and being one) does not necessarily mean:
1) Rug muncher/carpet licker etc.
2) Being ugly.
3) Being desperate and not being able to get men.
4) A fifteen year old who thinks another girl is pretty.
5) Something that will make you popular if you claim to be it, you are who you are....
6) People with manly features.
7) A loser.
8) Someone to be descriminated.
9) Someone who is any different to hetrosexual person.
10) Someone who got drunk and kissed someone of the same sex.
Jack: Everyone is a fucking lesbian these days, manly beasts.
Freddie: That is because it's now "cool" to be gay so everyone claims to be because they want attention and to be "different".
by Xx Gemma xX August 4, 2005
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A female, like myself, who finds other females attractive and sexually stimulating. It doesnt alwayz have to be about the sex though. Being a lesbian, one can find love in another females eyes and not think nothing of it. I'm engaged to a female which makes me a lesbian, but I hate when people stereotype us. Both of us are females...that means neither of us try to act or look like fuckin men. what would be the point in lookin and acting like a guy if we are lesbians??
Don't matter if your straight, bisexual or a lesbian, love is love!
by Lesbian_Lette July 27, 2005
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Im a lesbian.I like pussy cats better than weiner dogs.
by knifecalledlust December 26, 2009
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When a female is sexually and physically attracted to another female.
Meesha mea, that girl over there she looks like a lesbian
by Unicornsrsexy April 5, 2019
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lesbianally (lez•bē•an•alē) noun - to be described as a lesbian, lesbian-like
That woman is very lesbianally looking
by Spidey420 December 6, 2018
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A community of women that are so obviously gays that they could come from another planet, planet lesbian, hence the term lesbianer.
Check out those hot chicks, they must must be lesbianer!
by Finnen March 9, 2013
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