A Koi Fish is a man who gets overly attached to a girl and refuse to leave her alone when she has no interest in him. They generally become psychotic and ruin their friendships because of this. Some of them try to ruin their targets lives.
Girl1:"This guy won't leave me alone and just doesn't stop trying to ruin my life"#
Girl2:"Classic Koi Fish"
by Notamine December 15, 2017
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A sexual act in which a women is hogtied and penetrated with a fish.
Sorry, dude. Can't hang out today. I have to hit the hardware store and the aquarium so I can Twisty Koi Susie tonight.
by the hoipolloi July 24, 2008
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Man A: What's a politically incorrect term to call a Japanese frat daddy?
Man B: Koi Boi.
by dookiemikey August 18, 2017
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Short for: Quoi de neuf.

The French expression for: What's up? What news? What's good?
Lara: Salut toi. (Hey you)

Michelle: Salut ma belle. (Hey beautiful)

Lara: Alors koi 2 9? (So, what's good?)

Michelle: Rien de spécial. Et chez toi? (Nothing special. How about you?)

Lara: Ben, rien non plus. (Well, not much either)
by Faty October 1, 2008
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In Japan during world war II a group of homosexuals got the Koi Fish tattoo on their left arm. Now commonly used in Japan and America as a more verbose way of letting people know their sexual orientation.
Person 1: "My friend just got a Koi Fish Tattoo on his arm."
Person 2: "So how long have you known?"
Person 1: "He has been out of the closet for a couple years now."
Person 2: "Good for him."
by Ecanori February 4, 2010
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a bad driver, who just came of a boat from asia, eyes can only see skyscrapers by looking sideways.
boy: i hate thoes blind shit koi's they suck at driving.
girl: omg i like almost got hit by one of thoes!!!

girl: i hate thoes....
by pokepotty August 1, 2011
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