Female nickname. Short for Kathryn, Catholic, Cathedral, Catonic, Cathemeral, Cataract, etc.
Hey, Catheter! I hear you want to be called Katy now!
by Catalysts September 15, 2018
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A Scottish cunt whom is often mistaken for a celebrity and has lots of friends and is very popular on the Internet.
Person: Hey, have you responded to all of your DMs yet?

Me: Nah fam I'm too Katy for that
by AnAmericanTwat February 16, 2016
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A young girl who has made the very poor decision of taking way too many AP classes in high school
Random Guy 1:"Bro I'm totally going to have a bomb GPA, I signed up for 4 AP classes!"
Random Guy 2: "Woah man! I think you're pullin a Katy there..."
by kinky.k8 March 17, 2017
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An overgrown female. They generally have a pungent odor emitting from the Gooch region, and wear cloths that look like the were bought at Baby Gap. They are fond of pink thongs, a that are lost in the excessive rolls of fat, giving the appearance of a flossing Walrus. They think that they are a hot commodity, but tend to make most men vomit at sight. Also the type where "daddy" buys them everything. it isa rumored that the vagina of one is actually a black hole. To sum it all up, a cunt.
Person 1: Holy shit look at that beached whale.
Person 2: Be nice its Katy
by Corn 1020 January 23, 2011
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Katy is a back stabbing bitch. If you tell Katy your secrets, she'll tell them to everyone if you make her mad. Watch out you might be friends with a Katy.
Person A: Omg Katy is such a bitch she told everyone that I lost my virginity!

Person B: I thought you guys were friends.
Person A: So did I.
by BabiiJAK May 27, 2016
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Katy. a girl who likes to have sex with midgets named mason johnson. And the midget mason johnson likes to reverse cowgirl ride donkeys. Katy's also like to hook up with coke sniffing a**holes with huge rabid gorilla dicks and se7en hair
Bitch 1"did you hear about mason hooking up with that katy?"
Bitch 2 "yeah i heard she gave him herpes"
Bitch 1 "oh well shes gonna be surprised cuz he has chylamidia"
Bitch 2 "oh my god! haha glad he didnt tap this azz!"
by bitchlover one August 6, 2011
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An excessively overweight person who is usually a lesbian who descends from bisexual or lesbian parents with usually a blind father who doesn't know where to point his cock
by !that_Guy_69_69! April 11, 2010
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