To be sodomized, to engage in anal sex as the bottom or receiver. Can be used as derogatory remark or to describe an actual event.
1)Man, our ball team got totally Jimmed!

2)Josh is walking funny because he got Jimmed last night!
by Ske Ter July 17, 2008
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Taking an excessively long time to make a move on someone you’re attracted to. Laying groundwork for months or even years in hopes that your relationship will one day become romantic.
‘Can you believe that guy in sales? He’s really jimming it with the receptionist. I mean, it’s been 2 years, make a move already.’
by Chronos the Bear November 18, 2021
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Guy A: Yo man, how u feeling?
Guy B: Sh!#
Guy A: Why what happened?
Guy B: I got JIMMED! My bestfriend hooked up with my girlfriend!
by Monsterpiggy December 6, 2010
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Someone who joins in (A conversation/ Party/ Whatever)uninvited. Derived from American Pie.
Jim in the first party scene of American Pie joins a conversation by laughing his way in and gets completely rejected.
by m-rl-ee May 16, 2007
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Someone who talks down to or belittles someone else or basically treats that person as if they are of a lower life or class. This is best exemplified (and named after) in the popular show "The Office" when Michael or Dwight do something silly and Jim gets that look on his face like Michael and Dwight are children. The person who acts like he is in someway superior to other people is the "jim."
Wow, that kid's being such a jim.

I just told a joke but my friend didn't like it and was being a jim about it.
by MichaelGaryScottxxx August 19, 2011
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To just chill out, hang around, relaxed, laid back, not doing something.
Someone who's looking somewhat high, but nobody's quite sure. There is confusion involved also.
See chill.
1. Get off, I'm just jimmin' here!

2. Most of the time, Sarah just jims around, doing nothing.

3. Quit Jimmin', we'z gots work to do.
by PatD September 17, 2003
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A nickname for James.

Other examples of such nicknames include: Jimmy, Jimmie, Jimbo, Jamie, and many others.
Psst...I think Jim has a crush on Ann.
by HB <3 SA April 24, 2006
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