To become Viewtiful
When you want to turn into a Viewtiful Joe then you need this saying.
by Allon Renfro October 9, 2003
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henshin; Japanese for "transform"

Term used in "Viewtiful Joe" to describe the transformation from regular form to superhero form.

Informally, it may also be used as an interjection to convey a feeling of happiness, superiority, or generally any positive feeling.
"Henshin a go go baby! I've just received a V-Watch!"
by Peter the Salazar January 19, 2004
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Guy 1: "Hey, will you look at that girl on the pole?"
Guy 2: "You mean the Go-go dancer? Yeah, she's hot"
by SuperTVAddict March 9, 2017
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The act of sending a fart biscuit direct to someone's nostril over a very long distance.
Dude 1: "Yo did you hear about that chick in California straight doggin' you???"

Dude 2: "Yeah, but I ate Taco Bell last night and sent her a go go gadget biscuit first class son!"

Dude 1: (throws up).."Nice"
by smither614 April 28, 2009
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*What Joe says when he has enough power to transform into his superhero form, Viewtiful Joe.

*Popularized now as a phrase used as reaction to a positive moment, or to a moment of final preparations, etc.
"Henshin a go-go baby!"
-Joe after transforming into Viewtiful Joe

"Life is viewtiful. ^_^ "
by Dave February 18, 2004
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A term used with sarcasm when someone asks you to grab something that is out of your reach.
Hey, can you grab that bag of chips?

Oh yeah...go go gadget arm.

Seriously, grab the chips.
by KanonDface October 10, 2008
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Henshin = Word to Active V-Watch
Henshin A Go Go Baby = How Joe says it.

by AV-Cables October 9, 2003
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