Good luck, don't suck.

An expression in online gaming to express one's desire towards other players to not play poorly.

May also be used as a snarky or brutally honest reply to GLHF(good luck, have fun).

By stating GL DS you convey that you yourself are not a complete failure; therefore you would be a hypocritical poser to say GL DS and proceed to be the weakest link in the chain (see Scrub).
Noob1234: gl hf
Scrub1337: gl hf
Sealclubber9k: GL DS because my win rate means more to me than your happiness.
by Azaduur January 3, 2018
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Usually said in the last few seconds of a game countdown on (or any game lobby). It's short for: "good luck, have fun, don't die."

by xxavalanchexx September 26, 2006
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another form of say 'yay' or 'woo'.
started on myspace. also the name of a very popular upcoming beauty store
1)the girls screamed "GL Ziggy" as the firework show ended.
2)Dang, look at her makeup. that girl looks fierce. yeah, she shops for her make up at GL Ziggy. its where alll the celebs shop for their make up. GL Ziggy is the shizz
by niggy123445 August 1, 2008
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GL = Good Luck
HF = Have Fun
GF = Go Frag

An abbreviation for internet slang when saying goodbye.
<Gamer 1> Nice game, ttyl.
<Gamer 2> Same, gl hf gf.
<Gamer 1> U 2!
by Lallarn May 16, 2011
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User 1: gl hf!
user 2: ty! hf
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An extended version of the traditional "Good Luck, Have Fun." The additional "mf" means "motherfuckers" Therefore, its a way to be Bad Mannered at the start of a game. Best used with capslock: "GOOD LUCK, HAVE FUN, MOTHERFUCKERS!"
Bob: gl hf mf!
Fred: You Too!
by TheMotherF-er December 30, 2011
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