Another word for Dollars in certain parts of the country.
How many gigs is your ipod?

It's 100 gigs. This is a great deal for you.
by trenthodgeson April 9, 2010
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Someone you have a crush on
He's my gig.
by no gig November 12, 2003
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Someone who enjoys sex acts with people under half the age of 11 when they are in highschool or older.
Damnit Gigs shes only like 9 years old!
by Stevie Wonder October 17, 2003
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local term meaning to snort coke..
"hey lets go do a gig"
or paying tribute to family guy after you do a line "gigity gigity gigity, alright..."
by tony fucking montana March 30, 2005
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To Poke someone in the ribs very hard.

HAHAHAH look at that dude get gigged.
by Emiree September 7, 2006
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