mexican laborers; usually in the landscape, construction, or restuarant industry.
How many five footers you have on that crew that cuts grass?
by jamie & Melanie Skelly November 8, 2007
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A derogatory term for persons of Hispanic descent. It originated from the Delaware Department of Transportation Diversity Spotlight newsletter.
It is never ever acceptable to refer to a
Hispanic/Latino co-worker as a “spic
wetback” or “hot footer.” This is
by bboynfuel May 15, 2009
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A thousand footer is a flaming lesbian that can be pointed out immediately, even if a thousand feet away. She is so noticable, you think it may even be a womanly man.
A Thousand Footer is:
Short/Buzzed Hair
Spiked Jelled Hair
Manly Walk
Manly Presence
Face Piercing (Eyebrow, Tongue)
by Puck Spice November 9, 2007
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If anyone says this to you, they are referring to Jeon Jungkook’a forty-foot length cock, or anyone that’s known to have a big dick.
Bts fan 1: wow I love Jeon Jungkook!

Bts fan 2: yeah, I wanna lick his forty-footer

Bts fan 1: I think everyone does
by Ciyanabanana August 13, 2020
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A person that looks great from a distance, but looks ugly close up.
Yesterday I came to a crosswalk and let a beautiful woman cross the street, it wasn't till he waved at me that I realized he was a three hundred footer.
by Kahionwiioh December 26, 2015
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A person who does not use cruise control on the highway. They accelerate and decelerate, passing and having to be passed repeatedly over the course of several miles.
I have to hit my brake again, because that free footer just merged in front of me for the fourteenth time.
by DarkStarScott August 17, 2015
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You'd have to use a ladder to get to that pussy, that's a 9 footer.
by Solid Mantis November 29, 2020
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