A word recently being used by scene kids, and hipsters to describe something they like.
Douche 1 "Hey bro, did you see that dude with the fauxhawks track jacket?"
Douche 2 "YEAH MAN, EPIC!"
by Alex C-lok January 25, 2008
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When something is quite long lasting or awesome. Usually, this word is exclaimed due to the time distortion caused by marijuana.
Dude, we went two tracking, and it was EPIC.
by Agouti May 16, 2008
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A word used to judge how "epic" a song or movie is.
The rime of the ancient mariner by Iron Maiden has a high epicicity rating.
Person A: "Dude, the rime of the ancient mariner is a sick song"
Person B : "Yeah, its got a high epicicity rating"
by Jaketh August 5, 2006
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impressively majestic;
gifted with heroic powers
Leslie Ellis believes Laura Ames is an epic kiddo who bikes for Jesus.
by thejellomonster May 13, 2010
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Google, when you search for epic:
Did you mean: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

-It used a *ing galaxy as shuriken!!! That's epic win!
-No, that's Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann win.
by renrutal May 12, 2008
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1. Particularly impressive in a remarkable way


1. The type of guy who stands over the group in a protective manner but is also a total softie. The best person to continually crack jokes with and laugh with. Checks in to see if you’re okay, yet doesn’t reach out when he’s not. He needs to remember that no matter how many people there are that hate him, there are twice as many people who love him. Will make sure you’re safe until the day you cross him. Lives up to his name.
1. Person 1: Hey man, what’re you playing?

Person 2: It’s a game called Fortnite.

Person 1: Woah dude, that’s so epic!

Person 3: Can you guys give me my Xbox back now?

Person 1: No, we’re playing this excellently stunning game, like I said, it’s epic.

2. Person 1: Haha! OMG that guy over there is hilarious!

Person 2: Yeah, he really is! Hey, I bet his name is Epic.
by crispyraindrops November 3, 2018
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Epic means you are apparently cool or something like that.
Zoe, your really epic at this game!”
by lоris May 3, 2019
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