Dat bitch dat tryin to be all up on my man and his sexual man chocolate.
Guy1: "Dayyyyuuummm look at fine shawty right there."
Girlfriend: "Boo you aint want no Dominique. She ain't no bad bitch."
by DeseDizznicks April 28, 2012
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Some who likes to make human jumpropes.
ewww stop dominiqueing thats just wierd!
by AustinaBobina May 31, 2008
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A four feet tall chode.

With a fat body;
No neck
Dirty ass teeth

A cunt

And an all around bitch
Dominique is a chode
by chelsea3596 January 13, 2011
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a guy who sleeps with anything with tits aka walking std.

you've been warned. A down low brother.
Girl 1: hey, I met a guy!

Girl 2: Really? what's his name?

Girl 1: Dominique, he seems..

Girl 2: interrupts: Dominique!? girl, what are you trying to do? end up pregnant? hurt? or worse..catch an std or AIDS?

Girl 1: Well, dang! I didn't know all of that. Thanks for saving me from THAT disaster!
by robinettswagg July 2, 2012
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In her own mind she thinks she has a "nice" ass. But really, it is very fat and lumpy. She is annoyingly flirty, and dumb. Would be a GREAT porn star because dominiques are slutty, and don't have any brainpower. Let's any guy touch her boobs for no charge. Greasy brown hair, orange skin, beady blue eyes, no eyelashes, huge nose. Usually has a short, fat figure. Thinks very highly of herself. All the girls hate her, but all the boys love her only for her sluttyness. Don't trust a dominique because she will lead guys on.
Dude, don't trust her, shes a Dominique, Dominiques are players.
by Ilikedouble69 April 10, 2011
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Verb. To perform fellatio through the zipper while the man still has his pants on. The idea is that keeping the pants on makes it easier to steal the fellatee's wallet.
Lantz dominiqued the banker, but two dry cleaning receipts and a sticky face was all he had to show for it.
by Domplc August 22, 2014
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a crazy stalker who wont leave you alone even after like 10 years
wow she is such a dominique i would be scared
by 768468468869453 November 3, 2019
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