1. to rape and pillage with no moral convictions or remorse

2. to lie, cheat and steal

3. to completely fuck over a country
1. She wasn't just gang-raped, whe was Bushed.

2. That asshole just Bushed my car.

3. We was Bushed!
by BC in KC July 21, 2005
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verb,1. to bush means to horribly fuck something up as a result of stupidity or greed which results in at least one person, but often several thousand, innocent people being injured or dying. Often used together with dumbass. Defined in honor of the Nazi president of the US of A.
2.commiting any outrageously stupid act. Often used together with dumbass.
1.The President:"Huri-cane? I thought you said Co-caine and i don't want anything to do with that anymore."
Everyone:"You really bushed that one, didn´t ya- dumbass."
2.After downing a pint of wiskey, falling down the stairs and then filling the car full of vomit, sally said to billy "You just bushed the whole night-dumbass"
by C.W. Anderson III September 11, 2005
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see retard

Proof that evolution can reverse itself
Bush has the appearance if a Human, but the brains of a monkey
by Dumbass Next Door January 24, 2007
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America's most incompitent, stupid, warmongering, illiterate, noobish, Blood for Oil, fear inducing president in history.
Bush pronounces terrorist, toorists
by AFI Rule June 11, 2006
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1) A shrubbery
2) Slang: A mound of (usually female) pubic hair
every other definition for this word needs to be deleted
by Warlock February 20, 2005
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To Bush...... a verb that means "to invade and pump your finest artillery into hot & steamy hell hole without having first established whether you had any right to be there"
"I don't know what came over his holiness....... he suddenly hoisted his habit, threw sister Edna over the altar and bushed her like a wild monkey!"
by Giblet Grinder October 14, 2004
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1. redneck
2. dumbass
3. alchohlic
4. retard
5. World Leader

Doesnt Fucking Fit Does IT?
Bush- Discrace to america. and humanity
by No blood for oil June 6, 2006
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