The people of wonderdeck have the power to make any business successful with their wonders. They are intelligent and passionate about their work. They are more like a good friend to you who will help you to achieve success. Their Wonder Websites and Banners will add magical success to your startup
Wonder Deck's wonder websites have helped me to achieve success in my start-up business
by Marie synie November 26, 2021
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Jump out of swimming pool and jump back in and keep swimming, like burpee sets in between swimming sets. The goal is to keep heart rate high. Pro tip: if someone asks are you finished, yell no.
by red pine cone October 3, 2019
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A awesome friend who you grow up with who has the best personality without knowing it, while also being very cute. She is a quite while being loud, funny and awesome, if you are unsatisfied dating her, then you shall never be satisfied.
by random guy none know February 16, 2015
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(verb) In computers or related technology, running an executable or object program developed for and by another kind of system without modification. So called because prior to more advanced media, computer programs were mostly punched into and stored on card decks, and different computers usually had differing instruction sets instead of copying Intel.
This computer can cold deck anything in current or recent production.
by StarryGordon October 7, 2021
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"Tech Deck Support" usually occurs in a situation when one is asked to do a task that requires something technical, however, does not know how to fathom, for which is required to call "Tech Deck Support". After calling "Tech Deck Support" it is vital for one to make the ambulance noise after that, in order to alert the Tech humans around.
Person: "Hey could you help me connect this window computer to the smartboard?"
Other Person: "Ohhh um "Tech Deck Support" " *Ambulance noise
by Tech Deck Support February 27, 2018
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When you get to your girlfriends house with a hard dick in your pants expecting it to get satisfied. But when you arrive some other dude’s sitting on her couch & she tells you it’s over and doesn’t want to see you again. You excuse yourself to use her bathroom. Drop a deuce in the tank on the back of the toilet jerk off on the toilet seat and leave.
You’re hanging with your Bro’ he says he dude how did your hot date go last night with your little hottie? And you say “Dude, I thought I was getting some action, but she told me it was over“. So I had no choice but to declare an upper deck foul before I left. Let her new umpire confirm it.
by Chucklito89 July 21, 2023
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