An answer to someone babbling on...a sarcastic response to someone talking about a subject that you don't care about or understand.
Person A: "blah blah blah, Last night, blah blah blah"

Response - "words"
by Corey Hughes April 28, 2006
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I'd like to hit Monica from the backside, yo!!
by Byron H. December 26, 2003
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it's a fuckin word, what else is it supposed to be?
this is a word.

This is another word.
by The biggest gay jr. December 18, 2018
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uhhhh ya know it’s like a thing that has letters
by hey buddy 111 October 1, 2020
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combination of the phrases "for real?" and "word?"
"i got tickets for $15"
"for word?"
by deadjake April 22, 2010
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As in: "That shit was tight!" "Word."

Formerly possessed by the African-American community it slipped into the hands of wiggers at some point during the nineties. Sometime after this, it briefly appeared as though the word would be adapted into the white lexicon. However, it never gained the mainstream usage of other black words/phrases. Today, it is still used by the aforementioned wiggers (though usage of "truth" or some bastardization are common as well). A recent trend in usage can also be found among "above the fray" whites using irony (because you wouldn't expect them to say it, get it?). Which brings us to, "That staff meeting/ABBA concert was tight." "Word!"

Note: In the event of white usage, the word must be said with stereotypical "black" intonations. Also note that whites very rarely use "word" in the form of a question.
by The Chunk November 13, 2006
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