When you don't have proper grammar and meant hurt
person1: that hurted
person2: that's not a word
by javthenohomo February 19, 2020
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getting emotionally hurted
“that sh*t hurted”
by aisrod November 23, 2019
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When you feel emotionally hurt so you just say hurted
Bob- You are really ugly

Sally- Wow that hurted
by Hi_im_here September 22, 2019
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the more logical way of saying something hurt
a hit my knee. it hurted
by notverysensible November 10, 2021
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It hurt real bad b🦴
Owww she hurted my finger when she bitted it
by TITPUS November 18, 2019
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my teacher is a dumass and i said it hurted after some girl hit me in the knee the teacher corrected me and i said its past tense and i said its a word now and im going to post it on urban dictionary as you can tell im dooing it now
it hurted after she hit me in the knee
by blackguywith privliges November 27, 2019
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when something really really hurt that you can say words right so you say that hurted
*gets hit by car*
by THE_ONE_THAT_WANTS_HER January 15, 2022
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