An older woman who is into younger men. She is is older than them by at least 10 years. If they are born in the same year she is not a cougar.
I hope my recently divorced mother doesn't become a cougar!
by katiemcdonald January 23, 2022
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Noun: A young man who gets used and degraded because of his need for sex by a nasty old cougar whore who is usually a drunk and a drug user.

A young person whose dick gets used by a nasty hooker 3 times his age, and he feels like a complete simp after the fuck, yet he is too much of a dirty cunt addict to give it up.
Maani doogie: Dude, who’s possibly down for sploogie bombing some skanks?
Cassata nems: Naw dog, we might end up like heater nems who got hooked by that dirty cunt.
Maani doggie: oh yeah, she turned him into a total cougar chump, hes fallen way off his game because of her.
by ballplayer182 March 10, 2022
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Noun: A young man who gets used and degraded because of his need for sex by a nasty old cougar whore who is usually a drunk and a drug user.

A young person whose dick gets used by a nasty hooker 3 times his age, and he feels like a complete simp after the fuck, yet he is too much of a dirty cunt addict to give it up.
Maani doogie: Dude, who’s possibly down for sploogie bombing some skanks?
Cassata nems: Naw dog, we might end up like heater nems who got hooked by that dirty cunt.
Maani doggie: oh yeah, she turned him into a total cougar chump, hes fallen way off his game because of her.
by ballplayer182 March 10, 2022
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A special breed of very short small bodied female cougar that only dates younger tall males.
Check out That guy over there with the short woman, is she his grandmother or is she a teacup cougaraffe?
by Tim the man March 26, 2018
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A lawn cougar is a cat. A cat on a lawn.
There were many lawn cougar's on our front lawn last night.
by liss09 October 20, 2009
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Cougar honey is the substance that leaks from an excited, horny, and in need of cock older women's vagina when she is being hit on by a younger man (cub).
Dad: boy how was Cougar and Cub night
Son: well Dad I had this hot cougar last night and had a crazy and will time but I still can't get this cougar honey smell of my ball sack.
Dad: Well son, should have used a ball cincher to keep them boys back.
by Clamer March 12, 2020
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When two older women touch their vaginas together.
Hell yeah girlfriend let's do a cougar high five!
by Violent_eddie May 30, 2021
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