literally hell on Earth. Monday crushes your dreams and makes you feel helpless. It is the start of the week. Monday makes you want to commit suicide.
Jim: "Tommorrow is Monday!"
Bob: instant depression
by MasonWaller March 14, 2018
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Girl: Gosh, is it Monday already? I hate Monday’s.

Guy: Yeah. Monday can suck a toe.
by Luna20 October 20, 2023
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Meme Monday is the last Monday of every month. On this day you have to print out a picture of a fresh and good meme and tape it to your shirt for the day.

Bonus points if it is imbedded onto the shirt!
Friend: Why do you have a shirt of Michael saying "That's what she said"
Me: Its Meme Monday you uncultured swine.
Friend: Oh you right!
by EU Terrorist November 5, 2019
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