It is the less known of the two Trinity Presbyterian churches. Although it may be less known it still fulfills all the requirements of a white church. It takes forever, the songs are bad and everyone in there has nothing real to be praying about. Besides that there is nothing to unusual about it. It fulfills the despising of homosexuality because it says so in the bible. They have a plethora of good republican men in their continuing their beliefs in white supremacy.

*long boring services
*mostly white
*like Nyack Home to our lord and savior Benjamin Gates
*lack of diversity

*No singing except of Salms
*true christian values of having women at home serving the family not out working
A group of republican whites went to trinity Presbyterian church to enjoy their white privilege.
by Dickedbyamilf December 17, 2018
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A literal bitch so self conscious always anxious struggles to make friends but once she dose she is freaking mental Try Me Beatch
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A well respectful all-girls private school located in Tinton Falls NJ. The girls here are mature and smart young ladies and the future. This school creates women to be innovational and a true asset to the world as they have given girls to go to Ivy League Schools. Trinity has an acceptable soccer and basketball team with great spirit.
What is trinity hall?
Just the best school ever
by TRINITY HALL November 5, 2023
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a currency that uses hugs to count

one hug = one trinity dollar
the ransom you have to pay is one million trinity dollars
by meowmeemeowwwww July 8, 2021
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an iconic church that even people who don't believe in the lord should go to because life is lit
jesus: damnnnnn look at all of those trinity church hoes!
by dONT TELL MOMMM March 7, 2018
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A school full of nitties and Essex bitches. Only a few calm guys that really make money but most man force the badness. You will find well respected nitties in this school like kyja and tyrell. Overall this school is really fucked but you’ll enjoy your time here.
Person 1: yo what school do you go g?
Person 2: Trinity Catholic High School my guy
Person 1: omds say swear you must be a nitty faggot
by Trapcash15 November 28, 2021
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