An event where you cannot play on, talk about, or even think about anything that has to do with an Xbox.
Today is No Xbox November
by KiiboBestRobotBoi May 17, 2023
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A guy on Xbox who has a short temper but doesn’t want to fight. They can get extremely violent very fast, and calms down at a random pace each time he does. He is apart of a group called Ham, and loves technology and gaming, and makes YouTube videos and will post to other locations too.
One of my Xbox friends are Xbox 360#3962
by Xbox 360YT December 28, 2022
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Discord servers that have boring or “mid” question of the day on a daily basis
“Wow, that question of the day sucked. It must be a Heavy TF2 at Xbox Live QOTD.”
by Thugly do the thug shak- August 18, 2023
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A play off of the Xbox series X. The newest xbox console
Do you know the xbox series x?

You mean the xbox siri’s ex?

by Mestopheles369 November 25, 2020
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Light-hearted, playful or otherwise insincere jokes that mock or tease others in online video games. They are explicitly non-threatening and free from violence.
'I'm not a violent person, I've never wanted to hurt anyone over video games, granted I may have said stuff but that's like.. xbox speak'

'Your mommas fat'

'*insert* *insert* I built this fire and fucked your mother beside it'
by Dr Russells August 7, 2019
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When you want to ask someone out over the Xbox but you question the gender of the Opposing player
Hey zombiehun7er200 Tupac Xbox?
by Yeeehaaaw-boy January 14, 2018
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