Joe mama joke with the ground beef joke
What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef. What do you call a joke no legs? Ground Joe beef

by ForTheBoysUnited November 20, 2020
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When two people put their assholes together and one person shits into the other persons ass. Also known as the Subway Train.
Those two gay dudes sure like Ground Hoggin.
by SlayerMeltdown August 18, 2013
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Mom: Dang nabbit! Joe broke a grounding 2 times in a row.
Dad: Joe, you don't ever break grounding!
by JayMoneySpamsL2 April 28, 2021
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When you with someone who is not the business and they're thinking they the shit.
You know what ? Scrub the ground
by Pornheleo mustskeet May 16, 2023
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When you gape an asshole and as shit starts to come out you fuck her in the ass.
The bed was covered in what looked like ground beef after I fucked her ass while she shit. Classic primal ground beef sledge.
by Wallacé December 4, 2016
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