When you pee but poop comes out instead
Bro 1:Dude I just peeped should I tell a doctor

Bro 2:I dont know if you should, what's if it's good luck
by Hot diggity penis January 1, 2020
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Short for "people"

Apparently a nickname for the Pearls in Steven Universe

"There are many peeps here"

"That's some great fanart of the peeps!"

"Let's eat some peeps!"
by GayMae February 6, 2020
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Peep is the combination of peeing and pooping. It is a common phenomenon.
I peeped in the morning and the nibba enjoyed it.
by peepisarealword September 1, 2021
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When you pee and poop at the exact same time.
Person 1 “dude I had the best peep
Person 2 “what the fuck is that?”
Person 1 “where you pee and poop at the same time”
Person 2 “you need serious help”
by Betchy October 12, 2020
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Did you peep those new kicks I was telling you about ?
by Copaset August 3, 2016
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people (often used to refer to a person's friends or associates).
"thanks for the feedback, peeps!" this word is copyright claimed by OhItsMota
by OhItsMota January 21, 2023
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To notice, or see something that’s going on; that maybe shouldn’t be.
by Selena M. September 14, 2019
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