An adorable demon that lives in your house
Guy1.oh you have a cat aren't those things like house demons?

Guy2.Dont worry mine is sweet
by December 28, 2022
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Someone who is raicist and lies and stirs stuff up with other comunitys and people tend to fall for what she does
Hey look its karen the cat ninja the person no one likes
by Troll destroyer May 22, 2022
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Schrödinger's Cat is thought experiment that shows something called superposition, with a box, a cat, some poison (or radiation, or bomb, or whatever, it is just supposed to kill the cat), and a object that could read a particle's spin. Erwin Schrödinger thought that if you put a cat in a box with something that could harm them, and you can't see inside the box, the cat is both dead and alive all at the same time.
Will you PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT Schrödinger's Cat, BILLY?
by Owlss June 13, 2022
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A nightmare I had back in the early 2010's.

The big, black Schrödinger's Cat jumped on my head.

I woke up.
A big, black Schrödinger's Cat jumped on my head in my dreams last night. I was terrified.
by Vita Smart July 15, 2022
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young women in their late teens to mid-20's who seek relationships with emotionally immature (typically leftist) men in their mid-30's. differ from gold diggers in that they seek out such relationships not for money but out of awe of a perceived intellect and stability. the men reciprocate these relationships because younger women tend to be more easygoing and forgiving with regards to their emotional immaturity. oftentimes these young women interpret the relationships as predatory later in life, though the degree to which their male partners intended harm varies. inspired by kristen roupenian's short story "cat person".
lauren, a notorious cat person, slid into the dm's of her favorite dirtbag left podcaster with the hopes of him being lonely and desperate enough to see her as a viable partner.
by acidaa August 9, 2021
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A person who really likes cats. A notable example are the ancient egyptians, who liked cats so much they started a religion over it
Ancient Egyptians created cat persons
by IntergalactalEnergy February 14, 2023
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