To catfish someone who lives in your town our region that you know
Yeah they Kellie Grayed me but it's ok!
by Gopher Fin February 20, 2016
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You’re dating Landon gray call?
You’re gonna sob so hard you’ll throw up and want to kill yourself!!
by Ishouldonlylovemyself October 5, 2023
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the most beautiful and nicest girl on planet earth she is very pretty and kind to people but if you are mean to someone expect her say in it she doesn’t tolerate bullying and is very loving and very very funny and if she likes you she won’t tell you until she is ready if you like her be straight up she is a very well behave person and has good manners and a great bond with god
leigh ann gray is the best!
by river dunn July 10, 2021
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A bus group of retirees that have just finished a tour (cheese or chocolate factory) and are heading for the sample table.
Also known as silver piranhas
piranhis americanus
piranhis astralius
piranhis europus
Tour guide to couple: Get your items be for the gray piranhas get here.
Guide: They'll take a finger before you know what happened.
by tmshlp October 24, 2014
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Black male likes to have sex with little boys (8 years old and under)
My little cousin got blown out by Darius Gray
by ASfgdhjgfdrsfdgh November 18, 2022
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A character from the movie series Peaky Blinders. The actor, that played as Michael Gray's real name is Finn Cole, the brother of co-actor in the same series - Joe Cole
- Your real name is Michael Gray.
by sammay BG September 28, 2022
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