When you do something and your intended outcome is disappointing. Related to a South Dakota sausage fest.
I had a party and no girls showed up. That is really pulling a South Dakota.

The guy we arrested turned out to be an undercover cop. We sure pulled a South Dakota.
by Dragon 86 September 27, 2021
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dakota is a very musical person. he is really good at the guitar and is into rock dakota usullay has a bestfriend who will normally be a girl. girls will normally be jeal·ous of her and dakotas relationship. dakota is normaly down and has alot of dislike for people ...... or all of humanity except for one or two people the girl bestfrind and his mom.
oh look there is dakota's bestfrend who is she talking to

random kid.... hes talking about her...
dakota bunch whats up..
3rd person.. lets go away he will pull up strapped
by marliee edmonsom October 30, 2019
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Dakota is a beautiful person, they just love everyone and have a wonderful personality and are weird- in a good way! Everyone loves them.
Hey look! It's Dakota <3!
by socks_rat May 23, 2021
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Two unmemorable states in the midwest. Both are boring and the only one that is slightly entertaining is South Dakota but that's only because of the fact that they carved random presidents head on some mountain
All the Dakotas:
North Dakota
South Dakota
South South Dakota (Nebraska)
South South South Dakota (Kansas)
South South South South Dakota (Oklahoma)
South South South South South Dakota (Texas)
East Dakota (Minnesota)
West Dakota (Montana)
East East Dakota (Wisconsin)
West West Dakota (Idaho)
West West West Dakota (Washington)
East East East Dakota (Upper Panhandle)
"United Dakotas of America"
Canada: Sorry Eh Dakota
by IntergalactalEnergy July 30, 2023
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WOW Dakota Rebbeck should realy kill Peter miller for spreading shit
Or riley cooper lol Dakota Rebbeck thought byro blob fish was peng ahhhh
by KKzzzkkk February 5, 2020
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A man or a woman who would burn their bar down for $1.5 Million dollars to escape being $1 Million in debt. The bar they own is called Chuggies Sports Bar and it would not be wise to visit this bar on July 31st 2021.
(Credit for the creation of Dakota Sutcliffe belongs to AMTA for the case they made in 2021-2022)
Who’s the defendant’s name? Oh that defendants name is Dakota Sutcliffe
by Mocktrialdefinitionsandmore November 24, 2021
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The act or state of being completely adorable in every way. Has a killer body and sounds country, usually able to be found in central to the eastern region of the United States. When found, you will be amazed and in shock of the overwhelmingly melting appearence before you. It is warned that you may just faint at the sight of his frawesomeness. But like goat love, Dakota Duff love is everlasting so if you find one, keep him forever and never let him leave. But be warned once more, other girls may find interest in your Dakota Duff, so cherish him.
1. Seeing a perfect angel with no wings.
2. Voice is an exact comparrison to red wine.
3. Behavior of a lion but has the heart of a lamb.
4. "I'm so in love with Dakota Duff, he is amazing in every way and I'll love him forever."
by BethDuff23 September 9, 2010
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