A "Douglas" is someone who always roots for the best teams (According to who is doing best at the time).
I.E. Lakers, Cavs, Celtics, Magic, Yankees, Colts, Patriots, etc.
Here are a few examples of real life "Douglasness" in the New York area.

"BYE BYE JETS!!!! fuckinng suckkerrrrss!! LETS GO COLTS!!!"

"lOl now all you JETS FANS can STFU they LOST so live with it i been sayin it all week, jets cant beat the Colts Mark Sanchez aint no Tom Brady lOl hahahahahahahahahahaha"

"New York City, we say GO LAKERS!"
by Renato Silva January 25, 2010
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the art of not shutting up about doing your masters degree to the extent that your life afterwards will have no meaning as you will have nothing to talk about.
-will she ever shut up about her masters degree?

-She's such a Douglas.
by wozzbozz February 5, 2010
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A new wave drug that has began to see circulation in the Melbourne Club scene, it is a mixture of Epinephrine (adrenaline) and Amphetamine (speed) enclosed in a standard auto-injector such as an EpiPen.
just make a douglas with your EpiPen or something
by Ripped Curtain November 27, 2010
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Douglas is a redhead who burns stuff, who is super rich, wastes his money on corals and coral tanks.
shut up douglas. stop wasting your money on corals douglas!!
by Frank is my douglas May 23, 2018
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Douglas means "Dumbo". In latin his name means fucking dumbass. He is a very stupid person who talks about ogres all day long. He is a orange ogre that has some brown ogre blood inside of him. He has man boobs and is the fattest person in the whole entire world, besides Scott: look up Scott. I love Doug so much and I will never let him go... I mean i hate him... The End
Douglas is a dumbo
by Douglas is a "dumbo". January 26, 2015
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The slang term for an adult convicted for child abuse and cruelty to animals
Yeah he got 20 years for that ''Dougla?attack''
by Mr GYH February 1, 2009
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Possibly the greatest English writer who ever lived. Author of the hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy.
You sass that hoopy Douglas Adams? There's a frood who really knew where his towel was....
by Vonny February 26, 2005
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