A strongly temperamental person who presents him or herself as moody or irritable and expresses erratic / unpredictable behavior that is not accepted well by the general public.

A person who is vain and consider themselves too good to do certain tasks and live under conditions they consider inadequate.

In simple modern term a Prima Donna is known to be someone who displays themselves as a "Drama Queen" or "Diva". It is often used to describe someone arrogant, egoistic, cocky or just plain bitchy and not nice.

Word Origin: from Italian "First Lady" recorded in the year 1782
(Boy how times have changed .. nothing comparable to what a Prima Donna is actually considered today then centuries ago)
When Alex does not get his way, he displays himself as a prima donna.

Alex, a boss, who is too much of a prima donna to compliment his employees after a job well done. Instead he prefers to solely focus on their weaknesses and consistently criticize with nothing but negative feedback.

Alex becomes a prima donna when he has to spend money on others but when it comes to himself, there's absolutely no limit.
by hcivtrags April 20, 2017
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The diva of all divas. Without Donna Summer, there would not be a Madonna, Whitney Houston or Janet Jackson. She paved the way for all the future divas. Blessed with one of the most powerful voices and record sales in excess of 130 million, Donna Summer is a living legend.
You look HOT, almost as as HOT STUFF as Donna Summer.
by Nicole Simms April 17, 2009
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a donna who has a bonna (mostly chills in discord servers acting like a spastic)
you ever had a donna bonna? it's a creamy delight
by Kemist stonks May 8, 2021
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Donna Noble is the Doctor's companion in the fourth series of long-running, popular British sci-fi show "Doctor Who".

Played by Catherine Tate, she was originally written as a one off companion for the 2006 Xmas special "The Runaway Bride". When it was announced that she was returning for series 4, the internet broke. A lot of people were venemently opposed to her return, some people were ecstatic, and some people determined to remain opinionless.

By the end of series 4 however, her brilliant timing, one-liners, fantastic attitude and general awesomeness had won over almost 100% of the fanbase, and Donna Noble has come to be regarded by many as one of the best things to happen to Doctor Who.

Her tragic exit in Journey's End (which I won't go into for fear of spoiling people/reminding people) bought many a fangirl and boy to tears, of epic proportions. That episode aired last June, and a lot of fans still can't get over it.
2. Donna (to the Doctor): "You great big outerspace dunce."
3. Fan #1: Did you see Journey's End?
Fan #2 : YES. Ohhh it was so sad. Whyyyyyyyyyy Russell?! WHY?!
by Doctor-Who-Geek February 18, 2009
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Love child. By nature a La Donna is a wild spirit with itchy feet. One who loves to travel and experience life, the ultimate of outgoing. As such, a La Donna is full of stories and pleasurable conversation that is only surpassed by her beauty. Easily the center of a party and can get down with the get down. A mix of hippy, rockstar, cowgirl and girl next door.
On a scale of 1 to La Donna, how would you rate that chick?
by riiiiiiiggghhhttt April 3, 2010
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Tish is such a prima donna. She packs a huge suitcase for a two day trip!
by prima donna August 10, 2016
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A diva in the truest sense of the word. Born December 31, 1948 as LaDonna Adrian Gaines, she moved to Germany at the age of 17, starring in musicals such as Porgy and Bess. She married Austrian Helmuht Sommer at the age of 25 and had one daughter with him, the lovely Mimi Summer. She later divorced Helmut Summer, but kept his name as her stage name. She met producer Giorgio Moroder, who she would continue to work with throughout her career. In 1974, she recorded her first album, Lady of the Night. And in 1975, she recorded the controversial hit "Love to Love You Baby." The full-length song supposedly includes 21 orgasmic moans. She recorded a number of albums after 1975, very quickly, one after the other. These include Four Seasons of Love, I Remember Yesterday and Once Upon a Time (one of my personal favorites). In 1979 with the release of Bad Girls, she became the first female artist to score back to back triple-platinum double albums. Her career suffered in the 80s, her most notable success being 1983's She Works Hard for the Money. She married husband Bruce Sudano in 1980, and had two daughters with him, Brooklyn and Amanda.

Yeah, in case you didn't know, Donna Summer is a gilf and kind of a big deal.
1. Donna Summer is my idol.
2. Look at you, lookin' all like Donna Summer circa 1979 and shit!
by cmclarke September 23, 2007
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