Used when something good happens.

Probably a shortened form of 'Great shot!' (sport)
Shot bro! (Thanks!)

SHOT! (Awesome! Brilliant!)
by LGD May 19, 2004
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Adj; Describes a state of malarkey coupled with unbridled silliness. Usually created under the influence of drugs, and has strong pot-head appeal.
1. "In last night's episode of South Park, Oprah's vagina and asshole take hostages at gun point, and a talking towel saves the day. Shot."

2. "Bobby Valentine, as coach of the New York Mets, was once ejected from a game, and came back an hour later in a disguise. He sat in the dugout with a fake mustache and wig. Totally shot."
by Towellieeeee November 3, 2006
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1. One who has unattractive physical attributes
2. Someone that is very visually disturbing, and people avoid to look in this person's direction
1. That girl is shot.
2. The boy with the pimples and the huge nose is sooo shot.
by didiAKAhotstuff October 15, 2010
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adj. used to describe a state of being of a person, place or thing
example 1:
Michael: Sue, what's wrong with you? You look like shit today.
Sue: I wuz up all weekend. Now I'm totally shot.

example 2:
You wouldn't have liked New Orleans, and now, after Hurricane Katrina it's shot. You'll never be able to see it for yourself.

example 3:
Sue: Hey, is there any shit left in that bag?
Maryann: No fuck-nose you did it all, it's shot.
by Nedd Ludd September 12, 2005
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British ENGLISH Gangster slang for stab.
"woh man that was sick! i saw them shot him"
by Heath_Lord May 1, 2006
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the word you say when you want to call front seat (aka shotgun) of a car.
"shot!" or "I got shot"
by conquistador October 15, 2003
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