ppl hu dnt wer lacoste trackies n manky jewlry if ya need 2 no ppl like dat go 2 st helens or manchesta.

we av a gd dres sense n bi expensive loves nt like da fools from da surrounding areas like st helens, manchesta, warington cos dey buy cheap lycra clothing dat wil stretch wid der fat cos al dey do is eat maccies n chippy 24/7.

ppl hu cal scousers robers n al da need 2 go 2 da uva frigin cities n c dat more dan alf da cars av bin grafted or bernt out n dat al der teles n cloves av bin stole from da nearest charity shops cos dats ow shalow n alass dey r on uva ppl.

o yer n we dnt scav of da dole eiva dats wa manc do cos der da scrufiest n smeliest ppl eva brought on2 dis hole earf n dey make me sik
scousers = fab ppl up 4 a laf n av bos dres senses n can aford 2 by da cloves dey wer n da stuf dats in der houses

wools - idiots hu r stigs wiv crap dres sense outa da frigin 1800s n dey need 2 go on trinny n suzana sooooo bad n dey cant aford n e fin dey own so dats wen da bailifts cum in handy n da onli muny dey get is da stuf dey scav of da dole or rob

mancs = idiots hu r stigs wiv crap dres sense outa da frigin 1800s n dey need 2 go on trinny n suzana sooooo bad n dey cant aford n e fin dey own so dats wen da bailifts cum in handy n da onli muny dey get is da stuf dey scav of da dole or rob
by wool&manc_h8a May 2, 2005
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people from liverpool. A scouser is usually very nice and welcoming
I'm a scouser and im proud of it
by MrPlastikman November 19, 2016
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The only people that can steal your socks without removing your shoes :D
mate you know that scouser over there?
yeh pal?
he has your socks
by brettttttttttttttttttttttttttt September 19, 2010
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Person from Liverpool. Scousers are generally welcoming, fun loving, hardworking and a talented breed of people. Over the years there has been a wealth of talent come out of Liverpool and that flame still burns bright today. Let me also mention that Liverpool will now be the Capital of Culture 2008, and with the funding from Europe, it can only make Liverpool even better. As for the people who like to use old boring stereotypes made popular in the 1980's, I really would like you to come and see for yourself. Either that or check the crime and unemployment stats, Liverpool has higher EMPLOYMENT rates and LOWER crime rates than the likes of Manchester and areas of London.
"Today I met a Scouser, it changed my mind about the stupid stereotyping by idiot comedians such as Bernard Manning"
by Paul April 4, 2005
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An inhabitant of a city fueled by insecurity, weakness and self pity. A city that has received millions in European funding over the years and is still in the top 5 deprived areas of Europe and a low academic record to match. In the main because of the lack of drive, ambition and a propensity to blame everyone else for their failiure. The scouser has a great deal of hatred from Mancunians for building the ship canal, which defined the demise of Liverpool port trade. Where most economies moved on, Liverpool cornered the market in whinging thus creating a culture of state dependency. A common question is why so many people hate Liverpool, because the Scouser hates himself.
I'm a Scouser and we won the Capital of Culture, Giz a grant mate
by Trent Bretton September 27, 2007
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Scousers are different from Liverpudlians. Liverpudlians are the friendly ones who have a sence of humour and full time employment.
Scousers on the other hand have a are overly cocky, have a huge chip on their shoulder and genrally hate everyone who is not related to them or live on the same crappy councel estate.
You will never get a scouser fighting on his own, typically that will fight in large groups and will only engage in combat when they outnumber the opposition 10 to 1. They take pride in the city of Liverpool without knowing a fucking thing about it and are generally a drain on society. They will take the piss out of anyone they consider to be a "whool" and yet and valid critisism aimed at scousers is met with great refute.
Simply put, scousers are fucking wankers who like to feel superiour to the people they dispise.They are so physically and morally repugnant that they fail to notice that they are an amalgom of all that things they cliam not to be.
"You dont want to fuck with scousers lad"
"Really, why not"
"because we are all shithouses and will batter you with all our scumbag mates"
by Crosby Lad January 11, 2008
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A Scouser is an individual from Liverpool. Scousers are notoriously maligned and stereotyped by everyone else in the UK. This is because they are jealous. Our immigrant population ensures that there is an excellent gene-pool, thus avoiding the horrific inbreeding seen in the majority of incest-rife no-mark cities of the UK. Scousers hate the English - because we are not English we are Scouse. As a scouser I can trace my lineage back to the Kings of Ireland. Mancs (for example) can only trace their lineage back 20 years to when their dads arse-raped a sheep, hence the wool on their greasy backs.
Scousers, unlike the rest of the UK do not stick their arses up in the air for the government or any other establishment mefs we stand and fight our corner. This emasculates the general population of UK into realising they are fortune's bitches because they would sooner take it up the wrong-un than stand and fight. Jealous? I think so.
'it's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees'

'Oh, I say Marjorie, I think David Cameron would make an excellent Prime Minister'
by florrien May 15, 2009
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