1.)To get even with some one who in the past may of have hurt you.
2.)One of the worst of hurting you is in the heart when some one you truly love changes you for some one else thats when u cant think of anything but pay-back.
3.)When another person might of slapped, kicked, punched, etc... and you want that person to pay for it double the time they hurt you.
by NARKILLA03 November 12, 2004
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The act of poking a large, bearded man in the eye after being poked yourself.
I was watching the SHAYTARDS, and Princesstard enacted her revengeance in a savage 5 year old manner.
by Redfoxnaru June 21, 2011
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To cheat on your significant other after appearing on Maury because you were cheated on.
Beth told Maury she cheated on Rob for revengence because he was a cheater first.
by Prplepeopleetr July 29, 2015
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Creeper, Aw Man.
So We Back In The Mine Got Our Pickaze Swinging From Side To Side Side,Side To Side.
Heads Up! You Hear A Sound, Turn Around And Look Up Total Shock Fills Your Body.
Oh No Its You Again I Could Never Forget Thoses Eyes Eyes, Eyes Eyes Eyes Cause Baby To Night The Creepers Trying To Steal Our Stuff Again

by Goodgodlygaming August 28, 2019
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to want to do something sick and evil to someone who did something equally bad to you; that urge you get in the bottom of your heart when the person in front of you gets the last tickets to a concert; see: My Chemical Romance.
"I'm going to seek revenge on the guy who invented the diet."

"Seeking revenge is the new black".
by sum chick May 25, 2005
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