PDS is short for Particularly Dangerous Situation. It is a heightened-awareness type of watch issued by the Storm Prediction Center. A PDS tornado watch may say, for example, "Destructive Tornadoes...Hail to 3 inches in diamater...thunderstorm wind gusts to 80mph...and dangerous lightning are possible in these areas."
PDS watches are issued on high risk days, usually.
by RealDefinitionsAndWords June 5, 2014
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Piss Drunk- completely wasted
Check out how PD fallon is!
by K-Dome January 21, 2005
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Post-drinking shit. Occurs the morning after a massive session of binge drinking, preferably but not limited to beers or whiskey.
Yo dude, my PDS is going to be gigantic tomorrow. Lets go crush some more beers so i can try to break the Guinness Record!!!
by CoolDip January 21, 2011
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"Poopy Dick." After anal intercourse without the use of protection, you end up with PD.
Got some major PD from your mother last night. Shit was cash.
by PDlover110 March 23, 2011
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adj-PD aka Pantie-dropper, the man (or lady) that can walk into a room and the panties come off
by 303-3 November 16, 2010
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