An alternate way of saying "see you later" for those who have reached an enlightened level of existence. Also used as a flirty way of saying goodbye.
Guy: I need to leave for a meeting at 3.
Girl: Okay, sayah latte!
Guy: wtf
by sereklsj April 20, 2021
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Where you and your partner have intercourse in a bathtub of hot coffee.
Brian: Hey Jane, wanna have a sex latte?
Jane: Only if it's Columbian.
by itbedavid September 22, 2013
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a fork used to make latte art
hey man that barista is using a latte comb on my coffee
by zitherhither December 7, 2013
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A quality of diamond so poor - it's clarity resembling that of frozen milk, and it's color that of coffee.
"Get that Iced Latte out of my face!!!"
by staratsx September 19, 2011
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a slang term originating from norwood aka 'poorwood' massachusetts used by middle class kids to describe busch lights, typically a 30 rack. can also be used to describe other light beers such as bud light or coors light, however this is less common.
Joey foxxx: Dport we gotta hit up the packie, what u want?
$port: How about a 30 rack of busch lattes.
Joey foxxx: I love where your heads at.
by YankeesSuckScalRules April 9, 2010
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When you and the bros start the day drinking early and you have to make it sound better then alcoholism. Often times you use the term to describe a early morning awaking, like coffee.
I was enjoying a freshly brewed Busch latte early in the morning on game day. My Hispanic friend Chavez enjoyed a modelospresso.
by Bigbrachcock11 April 26, 2017
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