I Banged the Mouse Whilst Continually Swearing
It annoyed me so much, IBM WCS.
by downmyroad October 21, 2020
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if u play funny monkey game (gorilla tag) then you must know of daisy09. an exploiter who plays the song daisy bell. and the song daisy bell is very cool and the reason why is that in 1961 the song daisy bell was played on the IBM 7094. and it is not used anymore. but you can still see the console in person!
dude i wish IBM 7094 was not put out of use.
by arelandia April 23, 2023
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A really shitty laptop produced in the 1990's. Usually only compatible with DOS and Internet Explorer 5, some people miraculously still use it today.

In general, its the definition of a shitty computer.
Guy 1: Man my computer is a piece of shit, takes 10 minutes to open my email.
Guy 2: Can't be as bad as an IBM Thinkpad
Guy 1: True that
by This is not my real name >.> February 27, 2011
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The best fucking keyboard known to mankind.
Guy1: Is that an IBM model M?
Guy2: HELL YEAH (proceeds to CLACK CLACK CLACK).
by cyclist1 December 2, 2015
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Greatest mechanical keyboard ever made. Mady by IBM. Made starting in 1985 & still being made today by Unicomp.
The IBM Model M is the greatest keyboard known to man.
by Line Line March 8, 2016
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