Ffion a skinny gremlin looking child has fallen in love a small brown boy with an ego and a uni brow. Best love story since 50 shades of grey.
Ffion: Gruff my one true love, will you marry me?
Gruff: *in a terrible Liverpool accent* ye, sure
Sara: wow ffion❤️Gruff
by Weed dealer 420 69 November 5, 2018
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when someone, usually a female, gets their pubic hair cut into the shape of a farmland animal, preferably a goat.
"alex told me his ex girlfriend laura got a billy goats gruff yesterday"

"dude, seriously?"

"yeah..her dad did it for her!"
by Alex Lee in plymouth December 16, 2007
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Someone in a smoke circle who will hit a joint or pipe multiple times before passing it along
Are you going to finish the whole joint yourself, Two Puff Mc Gruff?

Who the fuck do you think you are, Two Puff Mc Gruff?
by Old man withers August 4, 2005
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When a male ejaculates up and onto his partners chin, imitating The Chin hairs on a Goat
" Aw Yeah I Pulled Out And Gave Her A Billy Goat's Gruff."
by Blair.Finnie February 1, 2017
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The 5 o'clock shadow girls get after a few days of not shaving their pubic region.
If you think I'm eating that with that muff gruff going on, you got another thing coming.
by Stevile September 3, 2011
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Anything that grown ups do that is considered upper-age activity.
My mom and dad are always doing gruff things.
by UrbanDicksinaryVIP March 31, 2022
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