an awesome online anime-themed social networking and forums-based website. really fun except for all the hhorny teenagers and n00bs.
gaia rocks!

my username is Aquaniia
by amazingawesomecool July 7, 2010
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a truly beautiful gutter-slut. although sexy in ways unimaginable, she enjoys having rough sex with common street urchins for petty cash. we forgive her for it because of her beauty =)
Oman: wow you're such a gaia, must gotten those coins of the man on the corner.
Ggirl: why yes i did!
by hoeman March 11, 2008
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The largest site on the web in which you will find women posing as men, mostly gay men, in order to expose and play out their fantasies of being one of their fabulous gay friends. This site causes women to also turn into lesbians and 95% of their users into grammar Nazis.
It's 'You're'..How old are you, 12? You also forgot the comma after the 'No'. Fucking noob.
by Schvitzel September 26, 2010
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An organization that promotes peace and aims to prevent hate.
by kitkat17 October 31, 2010
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what skate witches call the combination of pill salad, alcohol, off brand energy drinks, secret herbs, poisons, and animal bones in a mug
q: man, that skate witch looks fucked up. im surprised that that skate witch can stay on their board

a: yeah well i saw those skate witches chugging gaia tincture in the bathroom and i can assure you that at least two jeff gordon 24s, three OC eighties, a few xanbars, a few concerta, half a bottle of nyquil, most of a fifth of old crow, all of the bones of a murdered dog, and all kind of leaves were in those goblets, i mean mugs
by karen daily October 22, 2008
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An anime roleplaying comunity.
You design an avitar to dysplay as yourself when you post, you gain gold (Gaian currency ) when you post, you can dress up your avitar with various clothing and accesorys by buying them with gold at the various shops around the map.
"Have you heard of that new toataly 1337 forum?"
"No, whats it called?!"
" man!!!"
by Zac Beaumont April 16, 2004
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